Meet your sedation dentist in Denver.
Sedation dentistry has quickly become a preferred form of dentistry due to the many benefits the use of sedation offers patients. Often, people are hesitant to go to the dentist due to dental fears and phobias. Not to mention, the discomfort of certain procedures further makes people avoid going to the dentist. Now, you can overcome your fears and experience far less discomfort with your sedation dentist in Denver. Dr. Jayme Glamm has completed a certification to offer advanced oral sedation. As a result, she is able to offer oral sedation and nitrous oxide at the same time—perfect for those with dental anxiety.
Benefits of a Sedation Dentist in Denver
Sedation dentistry is often referred to as “sleep dentistry,” which makes many hesitant to even consider sedation because they fear not being in control. However, despite the name, you are not actually asleep during the procedure. Instead, the use of sedation allows you to completely relax, making sedation extremely beneficial for those who are fearful of the dentist. In addition, sedation can be used for those who have to undergo long procedures, have a strong gag reflex, or difficulty laying in one position for too long.
With the use of sedation, you will sit back and relax comfortably as Dr. Glamm performs the necessary procedures to protect and restore your oral health. Sedation will put you in a state of ultimate comfort to the point you may even fall asleep. While you will be a bit groggy, you will remain awake, allowing you to respond to verbal ques. However, you will not feel any pain or discomfort. Often, patients do not even remember the dental appointment the next day.
Types of Sedation
Dr. Glamm has undergone special training to offer her patients both nitrous oxide and oral sedation. Nitrous oxide is better known as laughing gas. This form of sedation is inhaled through a mask to promote comfort and relaxation. The effects of the sedation will remain in effect until after the appointment, as which point the effects will subside within a few hours.
Oral sedation involves taking a prescribed medication in our office, so you will need someone to drive you to your appointment. Oral sedation is very effective for relieving any anxiety or discomfort. When combining the two sedations, you will reach the ultimate level of comfort and relaxation to actually enjoy the dental experience.
Since it can take a few hours for the effects of sedation to wear off, you will need someone to drive you to and from your dental appointment.
Relax with Your Sedation Dentist
If you have dental fears and phobias keeping you from the dentist, it is time to conquer your fears with sedation. As your sedation dentist in Denver, Dr. Glamm is specially trained to safely and effectively administer sedation to her patients. With a mission for clinical excellence through a personalized touch, you will experience the difference in dentistry with Dr. Glamm at Pearl Dentistry.